How do the Motion Modes work?

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Motion modes use the movement and orientation of the hoop to drive the row-by-row animation of a bitmap pattern. There are currently two types of motion control: wheel and globe.

In a motion mode, when you turn, the direction of animation will change depending on which direction you are turning the “wheel” or rotating the “globe”. You can use either type independently or in combination with the other.

Chaser-type (line or waveform) bitmaps work really well for motion modes as an easy starting point. There is an example motion mode that comes with the Default Pattern Collection.

Folder-specific options:

When making a folder with motion modes, these are the folder-specific options you will be editing in the Options.txt file for this mode.

  • GlobeRotationSpeed: Controls motion sensitivity when rotating the hoop in a globe motion. In lines per 360* rotation. Higher number is more sensitive (faster), lower number is less sensitive (slower).
  • WheelRotationSpeed: Controls motion sensitivity when rotating the hoop in a wheel motion. In lines per 360* rotation. Higher number is more sensitive (faster), lower number is less sensitive (slower).
  • ConstantSpeed: Constant bitmap animation speed in lines per second. Negative numbers display the bitmap in reverse.

Tip: You may want to also set Autoplay = 30 so you have more time to interact with each bitmap pattern before autoplay advances.

Make a Motion Mode:

These numbers are just examples. Feel free to experiment.

  • Create a new folder and add some bitmaps.
  • Create a folder-specific options.txt file in the new folder(you can copy/paste then edit this)
  • Higher numbers are more sensitive to motion (faster) and lower numbers are less sensitive (slower).
  • Create a mode-specific options.txt file.
  • In the text file, list out these options then save the file:

  • ConstantSpeed = 0
  • WheelRotationSpeed = 300
  • GlobeRotationSpeed = 350
  • Autoplay = 30

Sample Motion Mode:

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