FuturePoi XL & Remote Features Update

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The FuturePoi/Staff XL & Remote got a software update! Check out a rundown of the changes below. If you’d like to learn more about this update please contact us!

3 new Sync Sequences – new feature
Sync mode allows both lights of your poi and staff to match up to each other, as well as to easily match up to other FuturePoi.

Motif, Motif Chaining, and Sync. These 3 modes are somewhat similar to each other, but it’s helpful to distinguish them as to how they specifically are apart, and how they overlap.

Motif mode (blinks pink): individual “motif” patterns.
Motif Chaining mode (blinks blue): “motif chaining” stitches “motif” patterns together.
Sync mode (blinks red): has the ability to switch between the default “motif” Sync sequence (this default sequence is on all previous and future versions of the Poi), and 2 other “motif” sequences, using the remote, and 1 “motif chaining” Sync mode.

Once you’re in Sync Mode, use the remote buttons to access these additional Sync pattern sequences:
*Enter Sync mode: starts at default/1st “motif” Sync sequence
*Press Next Motif: starts 2nd “motif” Sync sequence
*Press Random Colors: starts 3rd “motif” Sync sequence
*Press Next Saved: starts “motif chaining” Sync sequence

The new update gives you 3 additional Sync Mode sequences, as opposed to the single default one from before. Previously, when entering into Sync mode (blinks red), it would always play the same sequence, which is what allows the units to be synced to each other and other similar FuturePoi/Staff models. This new functionality allows you to use the remote control to trigger 3 other Sync sequences in addition to the default one, to allow you to keep both/all lights matching identically in colors and patterns.

Break Sync – new feature
Poi automatically display identical patterns when starting up in Motif, Waveform, or Motif Chaining modes.

Press the Random Colors button to break the sync between the lights. This will set the patterns to randomize their colors and animation effects, but will still have their patterns sync to each other.

Color Lock – new feature
The update also includes an awesome feature called Color Lock adopted from the FutureHoop. This allows you to lock in a color pallette to the patterns as you scroll through them, when in Motif, Waveform, and Motif Chaining modes. The manual has more info on how to set it up and disable it. Contact us to be emailed an updated copy. 🙂

Generate totally random Motif Chains – new feature
Press the Next Motif button in the Motif Chaining menu to pause the auto play and randomize the Motif Chain. If Color Lock is activated, the current colors won’t be altered with the pattern changes when you press the Next Motif button.

2 Extra Save Slots – new feature
FuturePoi XL and Remote started out with 12 save slots, while FutureHoop has 14. With the addition of the 2 extra save slots, syncing up similar patterns and timing with between the props is much easier! This feature is great for people who like to explore choregraphy with other props, as now the hoop, poi, and FutureWand all have matching 14 save slots.

XL Flame mode – new feature
(only for XL) Realistic flames that capture the essence of spiraling fire conjure vivid firey effects. This mode is only a single flame pattern.

If you’d like a new manual emailed to you for reference, please contact us!

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