Fire Wicks

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1. Position your wicks evenly around your hoop.
2. Open the clamp on a wick by turning the nut counterclockwise until the metal band comes free. You can use a dime, a screwdriver, or a nut driver.
3. Place the clamps around the hoop tubing. Position the end of the metal band back into the clamp. Gently apply pressure to the metal band and carefully turn the nut clockwise.
4. If it is not easy to tighten the nut, the band or not may not be positioned properly. Don’t force it. Instead try to realign and start again.
5. Tighten the nut until the clamp fits firmly in place. Over tightening the clamp can cause the tubing to crush or crack.
6. Repeat the steps for the rest of the wicks. Double check that all clamps are tight before use