Welcome! This is a special point of contact for our Sponsored Artists. Please don't hesitate to ask us anything!

more info:

Available Store Credit:

Manual tally –

Referral tally (Paid): - store credit will show in cart when checking out

Referral tally (Unpaid): - pending until marked as paid

Discount codes attached to your account:

Unpaid [affiliate_order_details status="unpaid" number="10"]

Paid [affiliate_order_details status="paid" number="10"]

Note: When you click on one of the links above you will navigate away from this page, or you can open in a new tab.

Discount codes attached to your account:

Request Credit Check
Use the Artist Contact form and select 'Credit Check' to send an email to our CS team. They will respond with how much credit you’ve earned since your last check in, how much you have store credit total, and update your credit log (linked above).

Redeem Store Credit
Use the Sponsored Artist Contact form to write in with the details of your order and to confirm your shipping address. We’ll email an order confirmation when the order is created so everything can be confirmed, and then a tracking number once the package has shipped.

Short on credit? Generally we offer a 30% discount on your purchase as a Sponsored Artist, though we look at everything on a case by case basis. Write in with the specs and details of what you're looking to get and we'll see what we can work out to get the order set up.

Tracking Store Credit
We set up a Google Drive spreadsheet to track your store credit, which is shared with your email address. Use the CHECK CREDIT LOG button above to view your store credit history. For now this is updated manually, so please write in using the contact form to do a quick credit check and for it to be tabulated and added to your balance on your credit log. 🙂

How is store credit calculated?
A customer using your code will receive 5% off for qualifying items in their order (including sale items). Your store credit amount is matched to what their discounted amount came out to in their order. So they get 5% off, and you get 5% in store credit. If the purchase is a FutureHoop, the store credit range from $15 to $20, which is awesome! You can earn additional store credit by participating in hoop challenges, or by running your own challenges and giveaways.

Discount codes can be applied for any order amount. Codes are not eligible towards Gift Certificates, Services, Repairs, or Harmonic Threads clothing.

Store credit cannot be redeemed for purchase of harmonic threads clothing, but we might be able to help get you a special discount as a Sponsored Artist. 🙂

To view details on this spreadsheet, click on the Benefits & Orders button at the bottom of the spreadsheet

Review Your Store Credit Spreadsheet in Google Docs (you have to be logged in to gmail account with access)

Check Credit Log

The below Guidelines are still a work in progress, and is slightly outdated. More info will be updated soon!

Tips for effective referrals You accumulate store credit with us every time someone checks out using your unique coupon code. Follow any of these tips when posting to get more usage of your referral code.
    • Please credit MoodHoops in the caption and name the product you are using (e.g. “Using my Futurehoop Pro from MoodHoops.com). Tag @Moodhoops in the post.
    • Hashtag your hoop! #futurehoop #mhfuturehoop #futurehoopdesigner #mhpixelhoop etc.
    • Add your Referral link or code! Linking directly to your referral page on moodhoops.com is extremely beneficial for getting traffic to the website so people check out with your referral code! You can also share your code directly but sending people to the site to get the code actually makes them more likely to use it!
    • If one of your posts or videos starts going viral (tens of thousands of views or more) please edit the post description and add a link to your referral page and make sure to add on hashtags to the post. You can rack up a bunch of referrals this way! ⭐️
General Please only use the #mhsponsoredartist hashtag and other moodhoops related hashtags on posts that include a Moodhoops product/prop exclusively.

The below Guidelines are still a work in progress, and is slightly outdated. More info will be updated soon!

Social Media Posting Guidelines We would love to see sponsored artists make 2-4 posts per month that feature a MoodHoops prop. We encourage you to create original content like pics or short videos of either you or friends, but if the creative juices aren’t flowing then even sharing an interesting post from our feed helps, and we will notice and appreciate it. 💞 Code of Conduct The MoodHoops team is diverse and inclusive and that’s the vision we wish to reflect to the community at large. We aim to promote artists of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, personalities, backgrounds, and body types from all over the world. Racism, sexism, homophobia, fatphobia, or transphobia on social media or elsewhere is not what we stand for or will stand behind. If unprofessional, inflammatory, bullying, negative, or hostile behavior is witnessed or reported from incidents online or in person this can result in an end to sponsorship. Privacy We kindly ask that you do not share any confidential information that you may learn about Moodhoops, its employees, or its affiliates. This includes official documentation like this guide or news about products or features not yet made public.❤️

Fill out one of the Repair/Troubleshooting Forms below and mention that you're a sponsored artist when writing in. This is the fastest way to get your hoop/prop issue resolved, as it lets us know all the info up front. 🙂

Retube or resize needed, but everything else is in working order?
Fill out one of the forms below as if it's a repair, but instead let us know in the details that you'd like to get a service done.

What is MoodyTricks?

Hosting hoop challenges is a fun and challenging way to engage with other hoopers, develop and promote your video tutorial-making skills, and increase your Instagram followers! MoodyTricks challenges are usually held once a month with 4 different hooper hosts.

Each host will be responsible for posting a video hoop challenge according to the posting schedule and guidelines laid out.

You will receive $30 store credit for hosting your hoop challenge video!

The MoodyTricks page (moodhoops.com/moodytricks) will have a basic rundown for participants about the goals of the challenge and how it works, as well as a link to all of the referral codes from each of the hosting artists. You can link to the MoodyTricks page in your Instagram bio to get the challenge more exposure and to help curious hoopers find out more about how it works!

Would you like to join in hosting an upcoming challenge?

Use this contact form for questions or idea sharing about MoodyTricks, or you contact her on Facebook. If you have any questions about your sponsorship, please use the regular Sponsored Artist contact form. 🙂

Any questions? Fill out the MoodyTricks contact form to reach out!

Find out who is teaching near you! (needs to be updated for 2019!)

Use the info tab slider at the top left of the map to view the schedule. The different months are sorted by color.

*****This map hasn't been updated since 2018, but we'd love to see it picked back up again in a new form. Let us know if you're interested in adding your info!

Add your Tour to the Map


We've love seeing the different requests coming in for using store credit for giveaway prizes. If you have an idea you'd like to share we'd be happy to add to the prize pool! Please write in through the Artist Contact form!

moodhoops logo - black on clear

moodhoops logo - white on clear

We ❤️ Your Light! We shine when you shine!

Thank you all for being a brilliant light that inspires so many others and draws them in! ❤️ Check out your fellow sponsored artists on Instagram, give them a follow, and show them some love!