Beginner Hula Hoop Tricks
We’ve gathered some of our favorite hula hoop tricks and tutorials to help you get there.
Rest assured that these beginner hula hoop tricks aren’t going to make you look like a beginner.
Grab a hoop and let’s do this!

with Video Tutorials
We’ve gathered some of our favorite hula hoop tricks and tutorials to help you get there.
Rest assured that these beginner hula hoop tricks aren’t going to make you look like a beginner.
Grab a hoop and let’s do this!
The One-Handed Weave is a foundation for hula hooping other moves like the basic weave with two hoops.
The Helicopter Spin is a way to spin the hoop while it is carried around your body creating an effect that makes the hoop seem to be moving more than it actually is.
Be sure to use a larger hoop to make learning leg hooping easier and less painful on your legs.
The Vertical Lasso is a way to spin the hoop around your hand in a vertical position.
Prayer Position involves spinning the hoop with your hands in a prayer position above your head.
Revolving Door Step Throughs are a basic step that involves passing the hoop around your body and stepping through.
The Isolated Vortex involves revolving the hoop around your body without touching your body.
Handing off the Hoop is a foundational move that involves orbiting the hoop around your body.
Lift up from waist to Lasso is a move that allows you to take the hoop from spinning around your waist to above your head into a Lasso position.
Bring Hoop from Lasso to Waist allows you to take the hoop from an above head Lasso Position to a waist spin.
Waist to neck Transfer allows you to move the hoop from around your waist up your body to your neck with your arms inside the hoop.
One Handed Basic Isolation creates the illusion that the hoop is floating in the air by rotating the hoop in a circular motion around a center point.
Foot Pass Hand-Off allows you to move the hoop from front to back with your ankle.
The One Leg Escalator involves spinning the hoop clockwise up and around your body.
Hooping in Lasso is a foundational skill that involves spinning the hoop around your hand above your head.
Waist hooping is the most well known basic hula hooping move that involves moving the hoop around your stomach.
Let’s take your budding hoop skills to the next level with some intermediate hula hoop tricks.
The Vortex is a continuous lasso while standing inside the hoop. It is important to know lasso before trying this trick.
Foot Hooping is a great trick to let yourself take a break and relax on the ground while you continue to amaze your friends!
Never Ending Pizza Toss is a continual throwing and catching of the hoop while allowing it to come back onto the body.
Pizza Toss Somersault Catch move involves the quick succession of throwing the hoop, somersaulting and catching the hoop.
Helicopter to One Leg Escalator allows you to gracefully move the hoop from a helicopter spin up your body.
Behind the Back Escalator allows you to push the hoop in the opposite direction behind you and up your body to be caught above you.
One Leg Hooping is a move that allows you to hoop on one leg just above your knee.
Knee Kick Reversals involve reversing the orbit of your hoop using a knee kick.
Shoulder Stand Foot Hooping is a vertical move that involves hooping using your feet while in a shoulder stand position.
Neck to Foot Pass is a way to throw the hoop from your neck to your foot.
Hula Hooping Around your Chest involves moving the hoop around your chest with your arms inside the hoop.
If you’ve mastered the tricks above then it’s time to step things up with these advanced hula hoop tricks!
Be sure to learn The Vortex before attempting The Pizza Toss.
You must already be able to leg hoop before learning the knee to waste transfer.
Spring Roll to Neck Transfer is an advanced hooping move that takes the hoop from a behind the back foot lasso position to neck hooping via a somersault.
Spring Roll is a move that involves doing a forward somersault while hooping .
Pizza Toss Warp is a trick that involves initiating a Pizza Toss and then jumping through the hoop before it hits the ground.
Foot Hooping Head Stand is a trick that allows you to do inverted foot hooping.
Spring Roll is a move that involves doing a forward somersault while hooping.
Foot Lasso involves spinning the hoop in a lasso position with your foot, above your head.
Foot to Neck Transfer involves sitting up into the hoop and transferring it from your foot to neck.
Jester Dance is a lively move that involves moving the hoop around your body, while jumping in and out of the hoop.
Be sure to check back later because we will be adding more hula hooping tricks over time. Remember that regular practice helps but play is important, too! If you keep at it, you’ll be making up your own hula hoop tricks in no time.
A big “Thank You!” to Hoop Smiles for all of the great video tutorials!