How do you sync up the FuturePoi?

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There are a few ways to get your patterns to sync on your FuturePoi or FutureStaff to create a choreographed routine. The Remote and XL models come with a remote control to give you fine-grained control over the change speed, patterns displayed, as well as 14 Save slots for Motifs or Waveform patterns.

The remotes work on FuturePoi Remote & XL and FutureStaff Remote & XL. Line up all the lights you’re trying to sync together and use the remote to start them at the beginning of the same mode..

Whether you have 2, 4, or more pairs of lights, the separate units will be able to sync with each other in several different ways. Even without the remote, at the start up of 4 modes (Motif, Waveforms, Saved, and Sync) the poi start on the same pattern and change every 6 seconds, if they are all turned on at the same time. With the remotes this is even easier because you can just press a button to change them to the beginning of a mode, so their patterns changes will time up at every 6 seconds. You can change the time interval by using the Tap Tempo button on any of those 4 modes.

Sync mode has the same identical string of patterns that it starts at every time, so in this mode all the poi will be identical. This string of patterns will match up with any FuturePoi Shuffle, Remote, XL, or Lite Poi so all the units, if turned on at the same time, will be able to sync patterns with each other at a 6 second change interval.

For your Saved modes you have 14 save slots for your favorite patterns. The save slots come pre-loaded with some of our favorites and can easily be changed. Once you have your Saved modes loaded, by clicking the Next Saved button you can set the poi to play at the beginning of the Saved Modes and they will sync changes at every 6 seconds. If you press the Next Saved button multiple times in succession you will cycle through each of your saved modes and loop around to the beginning and start the saved 14 patterns over again. At the start up of a mode you can also leave it at its automatic 6 second shuffle, or you can use the Tap Tempo button to make them change with different timing.

For your Saved modes, when it comes to programming the colors of the patterns to be the same across the different units you will use the Random Colors button to get colors that are the same or similar across the different poi. To save the colors for each pattern you will need to turn off all of the poi except for one while programming and then save each mode, one at a time. This takes a little bit of time, but once it’s in there it’s awesome 🙂

Motif mode has a partial sync ability, but it also has some fun variety. The pattern designs are in the same order on each poi when in Motif mode, but the colors and animation effects (big, small, oscillating) are randomized between each unit. This mode also automatically starts at a 6 second shuffle. In Motif mode you can have your poi changing at the same with the same patterns, but the colors and effects are just a little different on each one. Use Tap Tempo to set the Motifs to change at different time intervals. The Waveform patterns can be changed and saved in the same way, they are just in their own mode bank.

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