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Options Reference – Complete list of all options

You don’t need to read or memorize this whole list! Feel free to skip over this section if you’re still learning how Designer works. When you’re ready to start applying custom behaviors using Option Files you can look them up in here.

(G) – available as a Global Option, (M) – available as a Mode Option, (P) – available as a Pattern Option


Set how quickly Autoplay advances. Advance to the next image at the specified interval, in seconds. (G, M)

Default: 6
Max: 30
Min: 1
Can be disabled with Autoplay = disable


Mimics the color randomizing features of FutureHoop Pro. If this option is set and the current pattern uses 4 colors or less (not counting black) then the colors of that pattern will be randomized. Interacts with the RandomSeed option. (G, M, P)


Bitmap animation speed for non-motion modes. The number value signifies the bitmap rows per second being displayed. Negative numbers display the bitmap in reverse. (G, M, P)

Default: 200
Max: 500
Min: -500


Crossfade patterns for a smooth transition. The number value represents the duration of the crossfade, in milliseconds. The higher the number, the more smooth of a transition between patterns will be displayed. CrossfadeTime can be disabled by setting the value to zero. (G, M)

Default: 200
Max: 10000
Min: 0
Can be disabled with CrossfadeTime = 0


Limits the electricity used by LEDs (in milliamps). If you feel like your hoop is too dim even at the brightest setting, you might want to try increasing this slightly to some between 1000-2000, no more than is needed or you might experience your hoop shutting off when displaying a particularly power hungry pattern. (G)

If your battery is old, or you have a lot of LEDs displaying a power hungry pattern (solid white, for example), a battery shut-off could trigger. In that case try lowering this value slightly.

Default: 2000
Max: 2000
Min: 500
Suggested value: 1500


Currently there are 3 brightness levels: low, medium, and high. Use this option to set your prefered brightness. Remember that brighter means less battery life, and less bright means more battery life. You can still change the brightness with the remote. (G, M, P)

Default: medium
Max: high
Min: low


Controls motion sensitivity when rotating the hoop in a globe motion. In lines per 360 degree rotation. Higher number is more sensitive (faster), lower number is less sensitive (slower). (G, M, P)

Default: 0
Max: 500
Min: -500


If enabled, causes hoop to switch to an “idle” animation when not in motion for a specified amount of time (see IdleHoopTime). Specify a folder name containing the idle animation bitmap. (G)

Note that folders with spaces in their names must be surrounded by double quotes.
For example: IdleHoopFolder = “05 blendy”


If IdleHoopFolder is enabled, IdleHoopTime sets the number of seconds the hoop must remain motionless before beginning to idle. (G)

Default: 5
Max: 30
Min: 1


Used by CurrentLimit to calculate power limiting. This should match your hoop’s physical number of LEDs(G)
Max: 200
Min: 1


Randomize the playback order of the current mode. Interacts with the RandomSeed option. (M)

Default: disabled
To enable, use
ModeShuffle = enable


Lights up a series LEDs that corresponds with the number of folders, with a pink LED representing the folder you are currently playing. (G)

Values: enabled, disable
Default: enabled


Specify a word, number, or combination of the two to sync randomizations between two different props. Used with AutoplayRandomColors and ModeShuffle. If RandomSeed isn’t found, use electrical noise instead (for true randomness). (G, M, P)

RandomSeed = 12389764
RandomSeed = somerandomseed
RandomSeed = 12cfn98fn39


Comma-separated list of animation speeds (see ConstantSpeed)to toggle with “heart” key. The number values signify bitmap-rows-per-second. (G, M)

Default: 100, 200, 300
Max: 500
Min: 2


The StartupFolder option is a list of folder names that the hoop/poi will cycle through when it starts up. Each time you turn the hoop off, then on again, it will advance to the next StartupFolder. If this option is disabled then the hoop will cycle through every folder on the flash drive. (G)


Controls motion sensitivity when rotating the hoop in a wheel motion. In lines per 360 degree rotation. Higher number is more sensitive (faster), lower number is less sensitive (slower). (G, M, P)

Default: 0
Max: 500
Min: -500