Category Archives: FutureHoop Designer Updates, Patterns, & Features

Designer Patterns: articles, announcements, and photos for the Designer LED smart hoop and LED smart poi – FutureHoop and FuturePoi Designer

Choreography Files Update now available for download for Designer FutureHoop, FuturePoi, FutureStaff 🎨🎬⏱

photo of @missmojangles and @misshoopdidoo Choreography Files Update for Designer hoops, poi, and staff Planning a routine for a particular piece of music with your hoop, poi, or staff? The latest Designer update now supports choreography files so you can time your pattern changes automatically to a set piece of music or other timed changes. […]

Pop and Galaxy Modes added to FutureHoop Designer

above: Galaxy mode Pop and Galaxy Modes added to FutureHoop Designer By popular demand we adapted Pop and Galaxy modes from the original FutureHoop to FutureHoop Designer. We’re working on some new modes and patterns, as well as a cool new choreography feature so you can time precise pattern changes to music. Visit the Downloads […]